Having psoriasis is not easy; it turned my life upside down. I even questioned God, why He gave this to me. Then I realized that I have no right to question Him because He has His own reason for everything. Acceptance is the first thing that I need to do and sometimes it is like an everyday battle that I have to face. I am so blessed for having family and husband who accepts, understands and loves me in spite of having psoriasis.
People with psoriasis are not just facing serious skin disorder but also discrimination in public places such as hair salon, schools, workplace, swimming pools, transportation and many more. It is really tough to have psoriasis especially if people are not aware of this.
Psorphil will be having anniversary concert entitled Psor Rocks (Music. Equality. Belonging. Respect. Love). “People with psoriasis standing against discrimination through music”.
So join us in our fight against discrimination. Let us celebrate life, love, respect and equality through music.
August 20, 2011
Bayview Service Road, Roxas Blvd.
VIP P1000
Gen. Admission P100
Tickets will be available at SM Tickets soon.
You can also donate through SM tickets for the benefits of the Psoriasis Philippines
Thank you Calla Lily, 6 Cyclemind, UP Dharma Down, Kenyo, Gracenote, General Luna, Even and Slap Rock