December 15, 2020

DIY Christmas Ornaments using Cricut Maker

I have so many stories to share but I have very limited time to blog because of the holiday rush. I became busy ordering and preparing my gifts. I’m finishing some client tasks and I’m trying to update my shop. Lastly, I am now enjoying my new toy and I’ve been doing a lot of craft using my Cricut Maker. 

And one of my projects is Christmas Ornaments, I wanted to make more of this but I only have 4 acrylic blanks. I ordered twice from the seller but I don’t know why I can only order a maximum of two. Shipping is not cheap so I did not reorder. I planned to add this to my Christmas gifts too but maybe next year. 

Anyway, since I am still exploring the Cricut Design Space, I just searched and downloaded some FREE SVG files on Pinterest except for our family name, because I used Photoshop for it. I have tried a lot of designs and I wasted a lot of vinyl stickers. Hehehe! But after a few hours of trying and learning how to do it, I finished our four ornaments and I’m happy that I’ve made it. 

The new members of our Christmas tree will be part of our Christmas tree story. Sharing some of the DIY ornaments that we made in the past several years. I’m proud to say that we are still using these ornaments except for the salt dough ornaments. 

“Some Christmas tree ornaments do more than glitter and glow. They represent a gift of love given a long time ago.” - Tom Baker

November 19, 2020

Over the Moon Movie

I was browsing the Netflix List and I saw Over The Moon movie and I asked my son if he already watched it and he said yes. I got curious so while ironing our clothes, I watched this movie. Over The Moon is a 2020 American-Chinese animated film. I think this is the first animated film of Netflix so you can’t compare it to Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar, etc. 

The story is about a girl named Fei Fei, when she was still young her mother always tells her story about the goddess of the moon “Chang’e”. Her mother died and a few years later, her father was engaged. She was upset and decided to build a skyrocket that will reach the moon. This movie is not only for kids because even adults can enjoy this movie. 

What can you learn about Over The Moon movie? 

This movie will make you understand how people deal with losing someone. Grieving impacts everyone and we handle it differently. There is no time limit on mourning because whether we like it or not, the pain remains with us. But it doesn't mean that we stay that way, it is a process of accepting, letting go, and moving on. 

This year, I lost my father and my sister so our family is trying our very best to go back to normal. There are days that we are okay and there are days that we are not. So I can totally relate to the story of Fei Fei because it is really hard to move on. Even though we know that they are in a better place, we can never deny that we will always miss our loved ones. 

Sharing some quotes about grieving and moving on. 

“It has been said - time heals all wounds - I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” - Rose Kennedy 

“Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go.” - Nikita Gill 

“You may no longer be able to hold the one who has gone, but you hold them in your heart and you continue to love them in a different way - by channeling that love into acts of service for other people.” - Mitch Albom 

“It’s hard to turn the page when you know someone won’t be in the next chapter but the story must go on. -Thomas Wilder” 

"Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go" Jamie Anderson

November 16, 2020

Typhoon Ulysses Experience

Until now, I don’t understand why our 2020 is like this, it seems that this year is full of challenges and difficulties. We experienced Taal Volcano Ashfall, and just recently, typhoon Ulysses battered different parts of Luzon. Last Thursday, we had no electricity and water for 16 hours. Even mobile data connections were down. 

I'm thankful that we have a small solar battery charger that we can use to stay connected for several hours. My husband designed and assembled it five years ago. We can use it to connect our modem, small fan, and charge our phones. And because of this, he was able to work and my son and I can watch Netflix while waiting for the electricity. 

I'm thankful for leftover foods and easy to prepare dish because we had something to eat. It is hard to cook if there is no water supply. Good thing that I still have stock of disposable paper plates, spoons, and forks para wala ng hugasin. We already have a water drum so even we don’t have water supply we have something to use but of course, we are saving it because we don’t know when the electricity will resume. My husband also saved some water from the rain so we have something to use for the bathroom.

Six years ago, when typhoon Glenda badly hit our place, it took them 44 hours to restore our electricity. So we thought na matatagalan pa magkaelectricity so nung humina na hangin at ulan and paubos na ang battery namin, we went to my in-laws para makiligo and makicharge ng laptop and powerbank. By the time we arrived, I saw one of my FB friends posted na may electricity na sa amin. Thank God that brownout did not last for so long. 

I pray and hope you too are safe after Typhoon Ulysses. 

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43:2 

He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. Psalm 107:29 

November 11, 2020

Easy Philly Cheesesteak Recipe

I hate food waste because I feel that I’m also wasting hard-earned money every time our foods go to the trash bin. As much as possible I try my best to reduce our food waste by planning our meals every week, making a grocery list, cooking foods enough for our family, pantry inventory to see which foods are near expiration date and lastly, eat leftover foods. 

I’m fortunate that my two boys have no problem eating leftover meals. I’m also thankful for leftover foods because if I’m busy, if we ran out of LPG, if we have no water or electricity, or any other emergencies; we have something to eat. There are times that we just eat leftover meals, it is like a buffet of different viands. Hehehe!

Speaking of leftover, we had a breakfast steak leftover so I prepared my own version of Philly Cheesesteak. I haven’t tried an authentic cheesesteak but my husband had a taste of it during his trip to the USA last year and he loved it. Philly Cheesesteak, or cheesesteak sandwich is made from thinly slices pieces of beef, onion, melted cheese, and hoagie roll. A popular fast food in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and other parts of the USA.

I have no idea what kind of beef or cheese they use but for my own version, I only used whatever is available in our kitchen. 


Butter or oil Thinly sliced breakfast beef steak 
1 onion (sliced) 
1 bell pepper (sliced) 
Quickmelt cheese 
Mozzarella cheese 
Garlic Bread and Sliced Bread 
Salt and pepper to taste (I omit this because I’m using leftover beef) 

1. In a pan over medium heat, place 1 tablespoon of oil or butter. 
2. Saute onions, leftover beef, and pepper. 
3. Place the beef mixture on top of the bread. 
4. Add cheese and toast in the oven toaster for 5 minutes or until cheese melts. 

November 10, 2020

Homemade Crepe Using Pancake Mix

If you’ve been following my blog, you know for sure that I always have a pancake mix in our pantry. I used this mix to prepare different meals like leche flan puto, steamed puto, waffle, and of course pancake. I have tried different brands of pancake mix already and last week, I finally used my Toro Pannekaker. I bought this during our summer vacation in Norway

My son and I enjoyed the thin pancake of Norway and Sweden. We haven’t tried the pancake in Denmark since we always cook our own breakfast at Urban House Copenhagen by Meininger. And because we love the pancake, my mom also cooks this for our breakfast and of course, I did not leave Norway without buying the pancake mix.  These are some pancakes that we ate during our Scandinavia trip; pancake in pancake in SkansenMcDonalds Sweden, pancake in Scandic Kristiansund, and my mom's pancake using Toro Pannekaker.

Sixteen months had passed and I forgot about the instant mix that I bought. Good thing that I saw the Toro Pannekaker mix last week before the expiration date. I immediately cooked pancake na mukhang crepe sa Pilipinas. Hehehe! What I love about this mix, you just need to add water. So I just add 12dl of water to my pancake mix and cook in a hot, greased pan. 

According to my research, the batter can be kept at least 3 days in the refrigerator but I cooked all the batter. It’s been a long time since I cooked crepe at home because I always have a hard time flipping it so I was glad that my crepe turned out fine last weekend. My platter of crepe lasted for 3 days only, we ate it during breakfast and merienda. I prepared different types of crepe using what we have in the kitchen. Nutella crepe, Banana crepe and Mango crepe + powdered sugar, whipped cream, and ice cream. Next time, I will add chocolate syrup. :)

November 04, 2020

Dr. John is Not Your Ordinary Medical Drama

Last week, I was watching Holidate movie on Netflix while my two boys started watching Dr. John. My husband was not a fan of Korean Drama series and I think the last drama series that he watched was over a decade ago already “Jumong” (tagalized Korean drama). They were still watching when I slept so when I woke up, I asked them about Dr. John. My husband liked it so out of curiosity, I immediately watched the first two episodes. After I finished the 2 episodes, we started to watch together, and guess what, we finished this Korean Drama series within 48 hours.

I have watched a lot of Korean Medical drama in the past but Dr. John is not your ordinary medical drama. Just this year, I watched Dr. Romantic, Dr. Romantic 2, and Chocolate, the majority of the doctors in these series are surgeons so most of the scenes are in the Emergency Room and Operating Room. But Dr. John is an anesthesiologist who is a specialist in pain management. 

Dr. John or Cha Yo-han is an anesthesiologist who is a genius at his work and he can diagnose an illness in ten seconds. He met Kang Si-Young who is also an anesthesiologist, she became a part-timer in prison where Cha Yo Han stayed for 3 years. They both work together and try their very best to find an answer to their patients’ mysterious pain. 

As I mentioned, this is not an ordinary medical drama because this series talks more about pain, suffering, and death. How pain affects both the patients and their families. The role of the doctor whether he can treat or not the patients. We know that pain and death are inevitable. It is part of our lives and we cannot avoid it. 

Sharing some memorable lines in Dr. John Korean Drama Series. 

"Parents can't suffer in their children's stead. Husbands can't suffer in their wives' stead. Children can't suffer in their parents' stead. No matter how desperately they pray for that. It's not just you. No human being can feel other's pain like their own. All they can ever do is try to understand." 

"You are the only person that ever understood me, my illness, and me as a person. My world that was neither hot nor cold turned warm after I met you"

"You feel pain because you're alive. Without life, there's no pain"

"What I can stop is the patients' pain not the hardships in their lives" 

"Don't look at the symptoms, look at the people who suffer from those symptoms. What doctors treat is not a disease but a person." 

"Recognizing and sharing someone's else pain. That is my last prescription for our pain that stays with us as long as we live" 

These lines are so true because I have my own pain too and when I am suffering from severe psoriasis, nobody can understand the pain that I am experiencing unless you have psoriasis too. The same with my family who suffered too because of cancers, COPD, Parkinsons, asthma, and FMS. We can only see that they are in pain but we cannot do anything to ease it. 

I also like the soundtrack of this series, I researched the English version of the song "Star" by Minseo and I found a copy here.


We can’t see each other, like a closed up dream 
You remain in a dark shadow 
You’re filled with scars and even if I can’t reach 
Like destiny, I can’t avoid you 

Even when you’re hurting over sad days 
I’m right by your side 
Even in all the faint moments 
I always believe in you 

I believe in you 

Feels like I’m looking at a withered flower, only pain grows 
Like an icy heart, you’re so cold 
Like the fading star, the thick darkness comes 
But I can’t erase your star anymore 

Even when you’re hurting over sad days 
I’m right by your side 
Even in all the faint moments 
I always believe in you

I’m by your side 
I’m by your side 
Can you see my heart? 
Can you hear my heart? I can only see you 
When things get so hard and you get tired 
I will comfort your heart 
Just like the day we first met, I still believe you 

Are you listening? 
Are you listening? 
Are you listening? 

This was the first drama of Ji Sung that I have watched and I instantly fell in love with his acting so I decided to check his past Korean Drama series. Currently, I’m watching Kill Me Heal Me. 1 out of 20 Ji Sung Korean Drama List.

November 03, 2020

Lessons from Angel’s Last Mission: Love Korean Drama Series

It took me a long time to find a good Korean Drama Series after watching "It's Okay Not to Be Okay". I started a lot of series but I stopped after watching 1 or 2 episodes. I always see “Angel’s last Mission: Love” but I was hesitant to watch it because I’m not fond of ballet so in my mind, I will fall asleep if I will watch this series. 

But there is no harm in trying it so I gave it a chance and I ended up loving this Korean Drama series because I like the leading man (L), the original soundtrack, and the flow of the story. It is a blend of comedy, drama, and romance. Though there are some questions in my head about the deity, their punishment to angels, and other things. But of course, I have to remind myself that this is just a series.

Angel Last Mission: Love is all about a talented ballerina who became blind during her performance because of an accident. And because of that, her character changed and she became abusive to her household staff, secretary, and butler. Kim Dan is a carefree angel who always gets into trouble, one of his missions is to help the ballerina to find her true love in order to go back to heaven but he ended up falling to Yeon Seo. 

Somehow, I could relate to the life of Yeon Se because she lost her parents and her loyal secretary. Losing someone we love is not easy and I even mentioned before that I felt that my heart shattered into thousand pieces when I lost my grandmother and sister-in-law last year and just this year, I lost my father and sister

I don’t know what are the reasons why it is happening but one thing I know that our life on earth is temporary. Losing someone we love is a wake-up call, we will realize that life is indeed short so we should be ready. We don’t know when it is our time. 

“The reality about death, it has an amazing power of altering what a man desires because death profoundly affects his outlook” Oswald Chambers 

“Death is never the end. Death is a transition. The best is yet to come.”

We cannot deny that sometimes we questioned God because of the sufferings that we are experiencing. We get mad because our prayers are not answered. But at the end of the day, we know that God is God, He alone is our refuge and our rescuer. Let us not lose faith during our sufferings. 

“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. Pain, it is a megaphone to rouse a deaf world” C.S. Lewis

“Many times, God has to break our leg to make us learn dependence upon Him” 

I want to end this post by sharing the lyrics of the Original Sound Track of Angel’s Last Mission. I found the English translation of the "Oh My Angel" song here. I also immediately searched the OST on YouTube and Spotify. RIP replay button. 

Oh My Angel 

It's alright
It's alright 
Lost everything that really meant to me   

It's alright 
It's alright 
Somebody's next to me   

Even when I cried when I was alone, 
You have always been with me   

You are my angel 
Oh... You are my angel 
Always... You're here 
Oh... You are my angel 
You are by my side 
Always... Always stay here forever...   

It's alright 
It's alright 
Although darkness envelops my body   

It's alright 
It's alright 
Because You and I are together   

Even when I cried when I was alone, 
You have always been with me   

You are my angel 
Oh... You are my angel 
Always... You're here 
Oh... You are my angel 
You are by my side 
Always... Always stay here forever...   

Love that cannot be done 
Don't be afraid... 
Just leave it to me...   

Even if the world says no to you, 
I will fly with you anywhere... 
We will rewrite our fate together...   

You are my angel 
Oh... You are my angel 
Always... You're here 
Oh... You are my angel 
You are by my side 
Always... Always stay here forever...

October 27, 2020

Cricut Maker and Cricut Essential Tool Set

We celebrated our wedding anniversary last February and my wedding anniversary gift wish list is “Cricut Maker”. My husband wanted to buy it before our anniversary but I told him to wait because I wanted to attend a workshop first so at least I have an idea how to use the Cricut Maker. I found out that Tees and Prints has a Saturday workshop but I did not register immediately because of the location. It is too far from where I live so I decided that I will just wait for my son’s summer vacation. 

Fast forward to March, Enhance Community Quarantine happened so the majority of the shops close their business. And because of the social distancing, seminar or workshop is no longer possible so when June came, I gave my husband the go signal to buy my Cricut Maker. He was the one who researched, inquired, and purchased the machine. He wanted to buy the Cricut Maker + Cricut Essential Tool Set but unfortunately, the Cricut Tools are not available. I was thinking if I would wait pa para sabay sila dumating pero ending pinabili ko na rin. 

Where to Buy Cricut Maker in the Philippines? 

My husband contacted the main distributor of Cricut Maker in the Philippines but they are located in Bocaue Bulacan. Good thing that they provided a list of their resellers. 

1. Tees & Prints - Quezon City 
2. Hey Kessy - UP Town Center 
3. Craft Carrot - Pasig City 
4. The Craft Central - Vertiz North and SM North 
5. Bee Happy Craft & DIY Supplies - Grace Park West, Caloocan 
6. Alyanna’s Nook - Tondo, Manila 
7. Rochas - Binondo, Manila

Among the resellers, he bought my Cricut Maker at Bee Happy Craft & DIY Supplies because they offer FREE SHIPPING. We don’t normally buy appliances or gadgets online, sa dami ba naman ng modus or scam so nakakatakot bumili so we’re thankful that we had a fast and smooth transaction with Bee Happy Craft. 

June 25 - my husband purchased on their website and got an email confirmation. They have 10 different payment options. 
June 26 - my husband deposited the amount of P25,000 and sent the payment details on their link. The shipping will take 2 business days after they have verified the payment 
June 27 - we were surprised when the Cricut Maker was delivered. We live outside Metro Manila so hindi namin ineexpect na madedeliver agad. 

Cricut Maker P25,000 

10 sheets cardstocks 
Rotary Blade + Drive Housing 
Premium Fine-Point Blade + Housing 
Fine Point Pen, Black 
Light Grip Mat 12x12 
Welcome Book 
USB Cable Power Adapter 
Free trial membership to Cricut Access (for new subscribers) 
50 free ready-to-make projects, including 25 sewing patterns 
Materials for a practice project 
1-year Official Warranty 

Cricut Maker "The Ultimate Smart Cutting Machine"

Perfect for Pro-Level DIY performance and versatility
For cutting, writing, scoring, debossing, engraving, and more.

 After one week, I finally set it up; I only did one simple project just to test if the machine is working. I wanted to make name vinyl stickers but I don’t have the Cricut Tools yet so my excitement to explore my Cricut Maker machine was gone. So since then, I was searching for online shops where I can order Cricut Tools. 

Two months had passed and I found The Happy Station website and Facebook page so I immediately browsed their website and ordered my Cricut Tools and other supplies. The timing is right because it was my birthday month and my mom gifted me with shopping money so I was able to buy tools and supplies. You can pick up your order or ship it, I chose the latter and paid P230 for the Delivery Fee. The time frame is 7-10 business days.

Shipping Method

FREE - pick up at san Juan (Tuesday and Friday only, Bocaue, Bulacan, and Recto
P150.00 - NCR (4 to 7 days)
P230.00 - Provincial rates

August 12 - ordered and paid via Paypal 
August 16 - received my order via J&T Express 

October 31 - ordered and paid via Paypal
November 5 - received my order via Blitz 

Nakabox na yung second order ko and may discount coupon ako. Unlike nung first order ko na nakawrap lang sa bubble wrap lahat. No box or plastic, just bubble wrap and no discount coupon. 

The Essential Tool Kit and Paper Trimmer set includes:   
Tweezers to lift and secure delicate material  
Weeder to remove tiny negative cuts
Scissors with a protective blade cover 
Spatula to lift cuts from the mat 
Scraper to burnish material and clean all cutting mats 
Scoring stylus to add fold lines to cards and envelopes 
High-quality trimmer for materials up to 12" wide 
Replacement blade for the trimmer 
The scoring blade allows you to add score lines to your projects 

Cricut Maker Projects 

I have very limited time in exploring my Cricut Maker and so far, I only made 3 projects. First is my DIY Cake Topper using Acrylic Cake Topper and Vinyl Stickers. Second is my late sister’s name for her urn using vinyl stickers. The third project is my son’s DIY Cake Topper using cardstock. I am planning to buy more supplies so I can make more Cricut projects.

Where Do I Store my Cricut Materials?

For the past several months, I've been using the "Happy Station Box" to store my Cricut Materials but I've been buying a lot of materials for my projects so it doesn't fit anymore. I have Variera Plastic Bag Dispenser which I have bought at IKEA Bangna three years ago that I can use for my vinyl rolls But I only bought one piece because I bought this to store my wrapping paper, I don't have a Cricut Maker yet that time. I searched where I can buy IKEA Variera here but I was so shocked with the price, x3 na lang presyo so I just bought this medium storage box

I like this better because it has a cover so it will protect my vinyl rolls from dust. I don't need to display them since I only use my cutting machine from time to time. It is stackable storage so it won't take up too much space. Available in 3 colors, grey, white, and frosted white, and you can also choose sizes; small, medium, and large. Check the links below if you are interested. 

October 19, 2020

Buko Pie in Tagaytay

Buko pie or coconut pie is considered a specialty of Los Baños, Laguna so my ex-boyfriend now husband used to buy this as a pasalubong whenever he visits me. LDR ang peg namin before because I worked in Makati and he worked in Laguna. But he stopped buying this because I told him that I am not fond of buko pie.

When my late grandmother moved to Victoria, Laguna, we always visit her every month. For those seven years of monthly visits, we always pass different stores of Buko Pie and minsan kahit sa daan meron nagbebenta. I think mabibilang ko lang sa daliri ang nabili ko na buko pie, I tried several brands na rin and sa tagal hindi ko na maalala lasa nila. Hehehe!

Cecilia’s Buco Pie 

Last month, my husband went out and came back with a box of buko pie. Mainit-init pa nga ito nung binigay sa kanya, ang sarap sana kainin kaso busog na kami sa dinner. When I checked the box, it is from Tagaytay so I was surprised kasi akala ko puro Buko Tart kapag sa Tagaytay. 

The following day, my husband sliced and reheated this in the oven toaster so I was not able to take a picture of the whole pie. Looking at the slice, hindi tinipid sa ingredients. As I’ve said before, buko pie is not my favorite but I still enjoyed this one. My husband and son love this, yung anak ko na hindi naman mahilig sa mga ganyan na food pero mas marami pa nakain sa akin. 

Speaking of Tagaytay, the last time we went here was January 2 and after that, nagkaashfall and then community quarantine na. Tagaytay is already open for tourism but unfortunately, my son is not allowed to go out yet, sana naman by December pwede na mamasyal. 

October 08, 2020

12th Birthday

Time passes quickly and I cannot imagine that my son is already 12 years old. Next year, I already have a teenager. Woah! In a span of several months, a lot has been changed. My son is now taller than me, though hindi naman mahirap iachieve iyon but I am happy na hindi siya nagmana ng height sa akin. Hehehe! His voice changed already, parang namimiss ko yung maliit at matining niyang boses. We enjoyed rewatching his videos nung bata pa siya nga kahit naiinis siya pag pinapanood namin, parang hiyang-hiya siya sa mga ginagawa niya dati.

Read: 11th Birthday Celebration

I wish I could stop the time so he will be forever my baby but I also appreciate that he is growing and maturing na, especially this community quarantine and we are stuck at home. My son can do more household chores and he can study on his own. I thought mahihirapan ako this online class kasi baka ending ako rin ang magturo. But I’m glad, kaya na niya and if may questions man, nandito rin si hubby para magturo. How I wish, work from home na si hubby lagi. And because of that, I can still work part-time kahit nagstart na yung school year.

As expected, no travel, no hotel staycation, and no food trip because of community quarantine. So for my son’s birthday, naggrill lang kami ulit like nung birthday celebration ko. My son just wanted a lechen flan but I told my husband to buy a cake. Hubby bought Salted Caramel Cake P895 and Leche Flan P195 from Contis

The Salted Caramel Cake is a layered cake of butterscotch brownies, vanilla sponge cake, cream, dulce de leche, and ground cookies. It was our first time trying this cake, my two boys love this but I find it too sweet, ewan ko hinahanap ko yung lasa ng “Salted caramel” parang matamis lahat e. hehehe! Anyway, we all love Contis Leche Flan, one of our favorites na rin ito ever since nung natry namin, early this year. 

And for my 3rd Cricut Project, I made a “happy birthday cake topper”. I just downloaded a SVG file from Pinterest, uploaded it to Cricut Design Space and Cut. Good thing that I have a free gold cardboard stock so I used it, pero mas okay sana kung may glitter card ako. But it turned out great naman, I like this better than the first “happy birthday cake topper”, kasi mas bagay yung size sa cake.

For gifts, my son just wanted a power bank. Oh di ba, binata na talaga, mga panggadget na ang request. Since my mom gifted him money, he asked his daddy to buy a Nintendo Switch game na multi-player daw. He listed 4 games and hubby bought the “Arms” game. Ang mahal ng Nintendo games noh?

October 06, 2020

Cebu’s Best Rico’s Lechon in Metro Manila

It is not a secret here that I am a meat lover and I love lechon. It is one thing I look forward to if there are fiestas, weddings, reunions, or any other celebrations, kapag may nakita na ko na lechon sa buffet table, masaya na ko. If my husband has a business trip to Cebu, hindi na kelangan imemorize, he needs to buy lechon because that is the key to our house. Hahaha!

Read: Cebu’s Lechon 

Last month was my first time to visit Landers after 7 months, imagine February pa yung last visit ko so I was really shocked na may Christmas decors na sa Landers. How time flies and ganun katagal akong hindi naggrocery because of the community quarantine. So I really took time exploring the grocery, namiss ko ito. Good thing, there are few people lang in Landers which is surprising kasi weekend ako nagpunta. Usually, matao ang grocery kapag weekend pero wala din pila kahit sa cashier.

Anyway, while checking the freezers, I discovered frozen foods from Cebu’s Best Rico’s Lechon. The last time I ate this lechon was 4 years ago, my son and I ate here when we visited Cebu. Though I was a little bit disappointed during my first visit, I still bought 500 grams of regular lechon P472.75 and 500 grams of dinuguan P178.75. You can also buy spicy lechon, lechon pares, lechon binagoongan, lechon paksiw, sisig, and many more.

Read: Lunch at Cebu’s Best Rico’s Lechon

The lechon is carefully packed with reheating instructions and recommended recipes like lechon sinigang and lechon paksiw. Since this is 500grams, I reheat the lechon in the oven but for smaller portions, I also use oven toaster. For lechon, I prefer to use an oven toaster than a microwave oven because I want the skin to be crispy.

Reheating Instructions for Frozen Lechon 

1. Defrost the frozen lechon in the refrigerator overnight until soft.
2. Preheat oven to 400F. Once the desired temperature is reached, place the entire meat with skin facing up inside the oven. Reheat for 10-15 minutes. Flip the meat from time to time to prevent the softer one from burning.
3. Reheating in the microwave: Separate meat and skin, microwave meat for 2 minutes, place the skin on top of the meat, and microwave for additional 20 seconds.

* Best consumed once opened. Do not refreeze once thawed.

The lechon skin curled-up and muntinkan pa masunog yung isa, though hindi lahat naging crispy pero okay na rin. Well, the taste reminded me of our first experience in Cebu, the meat was dry, hindi kasi siya belly part e. But anyway, it still satisfied my lechon cravings, at least now I have two choices if I want to eat Cebu’s Lechon. We have Zubuchon and Rico’s Lechon in Metro Manila.

For dinuguan, I just reheat this on the stove, medyo masabaw siya, maliit yung slices of meat and lasa talaga yung ginger. You can also use microwave to reheat it.

Reheating Instructions for Frozen Dinuguan

1. Defrost the frozen dinuguan in the refrigerator overnight.
2. Heat a pan on high heat, place the thawed product.
3. Let it simmer for 8 to 10 minutes.

If ever makapagLanders ako, I will still buy these frozen foods because if I have no time to cook, at least I have an easy to prepare meals.

October 01, 2020

Why do People Get Lung Cancer? The Most Common Causes Revealed

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, more of us are thinking about our health. What we eat, how much we exercise and our lifestyle choices have all come into question since we’ve had our mortality highlighted due to the spread of the virus.

Despite COVID-19 being a new threat to our health, for many, the threat of developing cancer is still a considerable concern. There are many different types of cancer, with the most common being prostate, breast, skin, and of course lung cancer. Thanks to advances in technology and the constant evolution of medical understanding around cancers, we no longer have to consider cancer as a death sentence. With new treatments being used all the time and cancers being caught much earlier, more people are surviving than ever before.

Lung cancer is the most common cancer, and sadly many people still aren’t aware of the signs or even what can trigger this devastating disease to develop – click the link to learn more and to find a lung cancer lawyer.

So, with this in mind here we’ll explore why people might develop lung cancer and discuss the most common causes.

Workplace Risks

If you work in an industrial type role, or you’re dealing with harsh substances then you’re more likely to be exposed to the chemicals that can trigger lung cancers.

If you work with fuel engines and you spend most of your time exposed to exhaust fumes (like drivers or a mechanic might) then you could be at a higher risk. Working with substances such as silica – often used in glassmaking and bricklaying – can also increase your risk. And anyone who is working with asbestos – even in old buildings – can increase their chances of developing lung cancers.


Of course, we all know that smoking can cause lung cancer and it's hardly surprising. Around 7 out of 10 lung cancer diagnoses are smoking-related. The chemicals found in tobacco smoke such as ammonia, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide (yes, cyanide) increase your risk of triggering lung cancer development. Even if you're just passively smoking, you're still increasing your risk and harming your health. If you haven’t already, quit!

Air Pollution

We're all familiar with how pollutants in the air are damaging our environment. But did you also know that air pollution can be incredibly damaging to your health? Of course, the risks associated with air pollution and lung cancer are quite minimal, but it's not unheard of and should be taken seriously.

Your Family History

Some cancers, including lung cancer, can be hereditary, which means if your family has a history of lunch cancer, then you could be at risk. If you have a close relative that has battled the disease then you should take additional steps to preserve your health. Recognizing the early signs of lung cancer will also help you.

- A continuous cough that won’t go away
- Shortness of breath
- Weakness and fatigue
- Coughing up blood
- Reoccurring infections like pneumonia and bronchitis.

Final thoughts…

If you’re worried about lung cancer, reach out to your doctor for more advice.

September 29, 2020

Travel Collab: How to Find Luxury Accommodation in Tasmania?

Are you on vacation or new to Tasmania, Australia's island state, and hoping to find a luxurious accommodation for your stay? Not to worry, this article is filled with all the information you need to guide you in your search for luxury accommodation in that area.

Located south of Australia’s mainland, Tasmania is one of the best travel destinations for tourists. There are numerous exciting destinations to visit in Tasmania, including the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), Wineglass Bay, Freycinet National Park, and the Port Arthur historical site, etc.

However, once you’re done with sightseeing and visiting, where do you go back to relax? With many lodging options, it might prove a difficult task finding one that is suitable for you.

Below are a few professional tips and suggestions on how to find luxury accommodation suitable for you in Tasmania.

1. Look for an Accommodation That Provides Value for Money

Of course, you wouldn’t be seeking to find an elegant suite without preparing a few bucks for it. You must find a lodge that provides value for money.

Therefore, your accommodation should have the right facilities, including a luxurious suite, an exclusive spa and gym facilities, a top-notch restaurant, guest lounge and bar, and many relaxation spots where you can meditate and get inspired. You can check here for more on the right fittings for a relaxing stay in a luxury hotel.

It is also right that you check out the services of their facilities. The best lodges offer free or discounted services for their customers to get a memorable time within their stay.

2. Get a Feel of the Resort Through Its Website and Contents

This is one of the essential things to do when trying to find accommodation that suits you. Merely by looking at the website, its contents, and the feedback, you can sense how the resort treats its customers.

Find out if there is any negative energy that might get in the way of making your stay a memorable one. Things like noises, cramped rooms, bugs, bad reception, an uncomfortable and agitated environment would make for an uncomfortable stay in your resort.

Feedback from past clients would provide you useful information about the resort's services and how well they treat their customers.

Learn to tell the wrong feedback from the right one. There are many reviews from users that turn out to be untrue, while some are very accurate. For example, a user who leaves a review about individual experience and a particular service is likely to be positive and good to work with.

3. Ask People in Tasmania to Recommend a Luxury Accommodation for Your Comfort

Since you are visiting Tasmania and hoping to find a lodge that can provide you with elegance and comfort, the best idea is to seek the locals' opinions in that region. Asking for a recommendation from people in Tasmania is one of the best, if not the best, to find luxury accommodation in that area.

The people there will be able to provide you with several reputable resorts in that region, and then all that's required is to visit some of them to find the ones that suit your taste.

Keep in mind that Tasmania offers a wide range of luxury accommodations, and a lot of them can provide you with memorable experiences. So, in order to find a special one for your stay, you have to dig a little deeper to find a resort that can deliver a sophisticated and intimate style coupled with an inspirational experience.

The best lodges on the east coast of Tasmania are situated in a serene environment of breathtaking beauty. You can start by checking for the luxury accommodation Freycinet Peninsula as you can find many relaxing spots in that part of town. Finding a resort around pristine waters, the hazards mountains, and natural environments of extraordinary beauty will help relax and improve your mental health.

4. Take a Proper Glance at the Prices of Different Resorts in Tasmania

It is a great idea to look at the various price options with care, to avoid being swayed by a particular hotel. Most people have the opinion that highly-priced resorts are the ones with more luxury. This is a wrong theory. Moreover, prices can be increased due to additional services that are uncalled for.

To get the best prices for your accommodation, you have to check a couple of resorts in the area to find ones with better price variations. Try to put a call through to the hotels to get quotes from them to see the ones that offer excellent services at a reasonable price.

5. Find a Resort That Can Give You a Variety of Experience

When opting for luxury accommodation, it’s best to find one that offers a wide range of activities. In Tasmania, a few lodges provide a world of adventure and relaxation such as deserted islands, wild bushlands, secluded beaches, and many that you can explore.

If you stay with your family in the resort, make sure to find one that can provide activities that suit all ages and interests. The best lodges offer services that all ages and interests can partake in, such as quad biking, gourmet picnics, and many more.

It isn’t easy to find a resort that can offer you a blend of romance and adventure and innovation and exploration. A proper luxurious resort can provide any activities to ensure that their customers are left satisfied. You can check here for a list of things to do when in Tasmania.

Take Away

With the many options of accommodations in Tasmania, it might not be easy to find one that you can stay in. But follow the tips and guidelines listed above, and you will be alright.

The distance it takes for you to get to a tourist location, the space it takes to get to the airport, and the distance between your hotel and a shopping mall, are some of the things that you need to consider when choosing your accommodation as well. Have a nice day and good luck in your search!

September 28, 2020

We Got Free Meals; Thanks to National G Day!

Almost two weeks ago, I received an email from Globe that they are giving me 400 points. At first, I did not mind it but when I learned that the 400 points will expire on October 1, 2020, napacheck ako bigla. I browsed the different options where we can use our Globe Rewards, so we can use it for Zalora, Lazada, McDonald, Jollibee, Krispy Kreme, Shoor, GCash Insurance, and raffles.

If you still remember, I blogged about How to Donate your Globe Rewards Points last March wherein we donated our expiring points. So for the past several years, we used our points for free movies, shopping, donations, and this time, we used it to redeem Digital Vouchers. Since March, hindi pa kami nakakapagfastfood meals, parang bigla ko namiss ang Jollibee and McDonald.

I have 443 points while my husband has 1145 points, we have a total of 1588 points to spend on food. Yehey! We can redeem in Krispy Kreme, McDonald, and Jollibee but the Krispy Kreme branch is too far so hindi ko na sinama sa list ko. Here are the options for food.


78 points - 1 pc Chickenjoy
52 points - 1 Spaghetti
12 points - 1 Vanila Twirl


75 points - McCrispy Fillet with Rice Small Meal
66 points - Cheeseburger
31 points - Hot Fudge

Last March, there is a limit of 3 per day so I was surprised that now they increase the limit to 5 per day. Since my husband will be claiming the food, I tried to SEND A GIFT but I cannot use my FREE 400 Points pala sa GIFT so I just redeemed na lang and pinadala ko na lang phone ko kay hubby pag nagclaim siya ng food.

Inubos ko na points namin para hindi masayang. Last year, we were not able to use our FREE points, hindi ko kasi alam na may expiration date. Nagulat na lang ako na nawala na yung points as app, so lesson learned, read the fine prints. Hehehe! Anyway, we were able to claim some of our meals na. I’m so happy with our free meals, libre na hindi pa ko napagod sa pagluto.

First free meals at Jollibee, my husband was able to claim 3 chickenjoy, 3 spaghetti, and 3 vanilla twirl.

Second free meals at McDonald, since we are a family of three, we need to claim 9 foods but unfortunately, sa McDonald, they only allow 3 transactions per day so 3 for my husband and 3 for my account. We only claimed 3 McCrispy Fillet, 2 Sundae, and 1 Cheeseburger.

Last weekend, when my husband was out for errands, he claimed 3 cheeseburgers for our merienda. We still have chickenjoy, McCrispy Fillet, and sundae digital vouchers. The code is valid until December 15, 2020 (McDonald) and March 1, 2021 (Jollibee). Redeeming a digital voucher is easy because you can do this on Globe Rewards App. Choose your rewards, click redeem and confirm, then you will receive a text message from 4438 and 8080.