September 24, 2014

Play Dough Mats

My son had fun when I printed play dough mats last month, you can check my post here.  So just this week, I printed another set of play dough mat and while covering the mats with plastic cover, my son saw it and requested to have a yellow play dough. 

I cooked play dough yesterday while he was in school and he was really surprised when he arrived and saw the play dough in our table. He hugged me and said I love you mommy! #cheesy 

Anyway, we played with the new play dough mats last night. 

Apple tree and Snow Tree

Cactus + Sun

This is my work! :)

Click here for the homemade play dough recipe
Click here to download the play dough mats

September 22, 2014

Purple Oven: Pistachio Stardust Cake

I’ve been meaning to try the Pistachio Stardust Cake but every time we visit their store it is not available. Two weeks ago, we went to Nuvali and I saw the Pistachio Stardust Cake but I did not buy it because I remembered that we have just baked Rainbow Cupcake again.  

Last Saturday after visiting my grandmother in Victoria, Laguna, we dropped at Nuvali to pay bills and finally, I bought the Pistachio Stardust Cake P800. This is the third cake that I have tried in Purple Oven, the first one is Grandma’s Chocolate Cake and the second one was Classic Sansrival

Pistachio Stardust Cake is a chiffon cake covered with pistachio icing cream. I even gave some slice to my friends and one friend said, “malambot pa sa mamon”. Hehehe! This friend is not into sweets so she liked the cake because it is not sweet.  

September 16, 2014

Dulce de Leche French Toast

What do you usually do with your stale bread? If I’m not lazy I will make bread pudding but the easiest way to save the stale bread is making French Toast.  Last Sunday, I’ve made Dulce de Leche French Toast. The steps are the same with French Toast, the only difference is the spread, you can use Nutella or any spread you want.

1 egg 

1 cup milk 
1/2 tbsp of sugar 
6 slices of bread 
1/2 tbsp cinnamon powder (optional) 
Dulce de Leche

1. Beat egg, then add milk and sugar. 

2. Spread Dulce de Leche in one slice of bread and put another slice of bread to make a sandwich. 
3. Soak the bread in egg mixture just enough to coat the bread.

4. Heat your pan and put butter. 

5. Place your bread in the pan and cook until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes on each side, 
6. Slice in half and serve.

* You can add cinnamon in your egg mixture or sprinkle it before serving the French Toast.

September 10, 2014

Oven Baked Steak + Gravox Traditional Gravy

Steak is one of favorite food so I always look for steak if we’re eating on the buffet. Happy na ko pag may steak but of course, it should be tender and flavorful. I do cook grilled steak at home but it was year 2011 when I first tried to cook Oven Baked Steak, see it here.  

I can’t remember the last time I cooked Oven Baked Steak so last Sunday, I cooked this again so we can try the Gravox Traditional Gravy. Yes, I also bought this aside from Gravox Roast Chicken with Herbs Gravy.  

Preheat oven to 225C 
Season the beef. I only used pepper, salt and garlic. 

Sear the beef in butter. 

Put slices of butter on top of the beef and bake for 30 minutes or depending on your preferred doneness. 

It was a hit again to my family and my son even said, “Mommy I love beef”. The gravy sauce is good and my husband told me again na kalasa ng Gravox gravy sauce yung gravy ng ibang restaurant na nakainan niya. I still have half a kilo of beef in my fridge so I will cook this again.

Read: Oven Baked Steak + Potatoes

September 01, 2014

Fun with Clay or Play Dough

The first time experience of my son with play dough was three years ago, I bought Play-Doh Cars 2 Mold N Go weeks before his third birthday. He loves Lightning Mcqueen so he really enjoyed his toy but he stopped playing because he ran out of play dough. I checked the play doh in the department store and the price is expensive for my budget. 

Thank God for Pinterest because I found recipe for homemade play dough and my son started playing with his toy again.  You can check the step by step here.  

Inspite of the mess, there are several benefits of play dough like developing the fine motor skills, it enhance the imagination and creativity and it calm and soothe even adults. Honestly, I love playing play doh, I wanted to have this when I was a kid but no money for that. 

If you remember my post last year, we had fun with clay modelling in Nuvali.  

My son received a gift of clay set last Christmas and I bought this book last summer to entertain him. 

Last week I printed this play dough mats from Pinterest. You can print it in regular paper and paste it in old folder or print it in cardboard paper to make it sturdy. You can laminate the paper but I just cover it with plastic cover. I've made homemade play dough again.

We had fun in making dinner, ice cream sundae and cake. 

my work

my work
Click here to download the file. 

1954 Shakey’s Pizza

As I always say, Shakey’s is one of our go-to restaurant if ever we’re in Festival Mall especially now that we have Shakey’s Pizzanatic SuperCard. Two weeks after we avail the pizzanatic supercard, we went back again and tried the 1954 Shakey’s Pizza, according to them “It is made of new gourmet crust, finest toppings and fresh herbs. "The secret is in the crust” 

June 14, 2014
And we agree on that, there is something on the crust that we love it, I can say that it is love at first taste. 

So when we went back in Shakey’s last Saturday, we ordered Deal 1 again + extra rice and we chose 1954 Shakey’s Pizza. Hubby and I were shocked when they serve the pizza. 

Me: Bakit parang may kulang? 
Hubby: Di ba may dahon pa yan? 

Anyway, baka naubusan ng dahon. We ate our pizza and parang naiba, matigas na yung crust. So we were not able to finish it and take-out na lang. Surprisingly, when we reheat it at home, the crust was already soft and chewy.

August 30, 2014

Roast Chicken + Gravox Herbs Gravy

If you’ve been reading this blog for quite some time now, you know that I love to cook “roast chicken”, I think, this dish is included in my menu every month. Yes, even there’s no special occasion because it is so easy to prepare. No sweat at all. Lol 

Two weeks ago, my husband saw this Gravox Roast Chicken with Herbs Gravy in the grocery. 

Hubby: Try mo. 
Me: Ngek, ang mahal naman ng gravy P170, kapresyo na ng chicken. 
Hubby: B1T1 naman, try lang. 

So I bought it and I cooked roast chicken this week so I could try the gravy. I tried instant gravy mix before and I did not like it because it is too salty so I was really nervous at baka di rin masarap. 

The gravy is in liquid form so you can just reheat it in the microwave or stove top. Well, the gravy is just ok but I will not buy this again because it is really expensive for my budget. Anyway, I prefer my roast chicken without gravy.

August 29, 2014

It’s Cool to Zoo

Visiting zoo is not really my thing when I was still single but when I had my only son things change. Now, I’m enjoying visiting different zoos in the Philippines. Zoomanity Group is the leading company in theme park industry from Northern to Southern Philippines. It is their goal to give the best ever tourist destination and nature educational experiences. 

As of now, they have five theme parks that you can visit such as Zoobic Safari, Residence Inn, Paradizoo, Zoocobia Fun Zoo and Zoocolate Thrills. Among these five zoos, we’ve already visited three zoos. I could say that each zoo offers unique experience and excitement. It gives knowledge and happiness regardless of visitors age. 

The first zoo that we have visited is Paradizoo, we live in Southern Luzon so visiting this zoo is not difficult. Paradizoo Farm is located in Mendez, Cavite where you can see farm animals roaming free. Yes, some animals are roaming free so at first, I was really scared. It is also a garden full of flowers and vegetables where you can select, pick and buy your own vegetables and flowers. The place is not that big so you can include this in your itinerary if ever you visit Tagaytay. 

The second zoo that we have visited is Residence Inn which is located in Tagaytay City. The zoo has a moderate number of animal collections that you can see. You can have photo-op with some animals too, but of course, there's an extra fee for that. We enjoyed the animal feeding and bird feeding activity. Not only that, there’s also animal show so make sure you check the schedules so you won't miss it. If you are brave enough, try the Zipline. 

The third zoo that we have visited is Zoobic Safari. Among the zoos, I think this is the biggest, we took the tram to visit the different attractions. Our favorite experience is the Tiger and Lion Safari. It was scary but fun at the same time. We also experienced goat bottle feeding and crocodile feeding. After our tour, we took advantage of the animal show too. 

The Zoocobia Fun Zoo and Zoocolate Thrills are still on my bucket list and hopefully, we can visit this soon. I love to experience the gravity car because I was not able to try this when we went to Sentosa Resort in Singapore. And if ever we will go back again in Bohol, I will include Zoocolate Thrills in my itinerary. I’m pretty sure that my son would enjoy the trip. 

So if you are looking for educational activities, try visiting these zoos because I’m pretty sure that not only kids will enjoy the trip. 

August 28, 2014

Bake a Christmas Cupcake

My son loves watching EvanTube so he showed me the video where the family was baking a rainbow cupcake. He said, mommy, I want to bake a rainbow cupcake, repeat 100 times. 

Read: Rainbow Cupcake

But I don’t have any food color at home so last week I went to the grocery and fortunately I found the Pillsbury Classic White Mix and bought food coloring too. The sad part is there are only two colors available in the grocery. 

Yesterday, my son saw me reading the procedures of the cake mix and he asked me if we will bake rainbow cupcakes and I said yes.

Ethan: Let’s bake rainbow cupcakes. 

Me: Later pa. Finish your food and we will do your homework first. 

After eating. 

Ethan: Mommy, let’s bake rainbow cupcakes. 

Me: Later pa, sa merienda 2PM. Study first. 

After homework. 

Ethan: Let’s bake rainbow cupcakes. Stop working mommy. 

Me: Later, I’ll call you if we will bake na. 

Ending, he locked himself in the room and he didn’t want to bake anymore. #nagtampo So I bake the rainbow cupcake on my own. 

When I placed the muffin tray in the oven, I went to the room and persuaded my son to go down and check the cupcake. Ending, bumaba din siya and he kept on checking the cupcake in the oven. Waiting for the baking and cooling period to finish. 

Like I said, I only have two food colors so it looks like Christmas Cupcake but in the eyes of my son, it is still Rainbow Cupcake. We love the cupcake because it is soft and moist. He finished two cupcakes and requested na baon niya yun today. I will go to the grocery again and look for other food colorings so I can bake a real rainbow cupcake. I still have 1 box of instant mix.

August 27, 2014

Prosperity Candle

If you still remember my Typhoon Glenda post, my husband went to grocery to buy candles but the only candles that he saw was this, prosperity candles.

Last Saturday was my birthday so I used it. Some people are candle color believer, in fact I also see this in some churches where each color has meaning like in Candle Chapel in Tagaytay and in Liliw Church.

Some people use this on Birthday, New Year and other occasions. It says in the package, “Light the candles as a symbol of blessings you may receive as you celebrate any special occasion at any season. Keep the candles burning. The candle that melts the quickest will signify the most beautiful blessing you will have” 

In my case, the red candle was the first melted candle. 

1st Red - Love 
2nd Pink - Health 
3rd Yellow - Harmony 
4th Green - Wealth 
5th White - Purity 
6th Peach - Long Life 
7th Blue _ Peace 

My son said, "Mommy, rainbow candle"
"It is said" Candles, when combined with prayer and faith, can produce miracles.

August 26, 2014

Birthday Staycation at Crimson Hotel

Ten days before my birthday, my husband reserves a room in one of the resorts in Batangas. He called and informed me that he already reserve a room for my birthday celebration. But after two days, he called again to follow up on the confirmation letter and unfortunately, the waiting list pala kami. So he called last Tuesday to check if there were any back-out guests but he was informed that all guests prepaid the reservation already. My birthday falls on a long weekend so maybe that is the reason why the resort was fully booked. 

I told him about the Crimson Hotel Rainy Day Promo, he tried to book on the website but he was getting a different rate so he just called Crimson Hotel to reserve a room three days before my birthday. I think it is better to call to avail of the promo rate. 

Fast forward to my birthday, since Alabang is not really that far, we left the house past 12nn. We ate lunch first at home to save money. Hehehe! I’ve seen pictures of Crimson Hotel’s lobby but I was still amazed when I saw it up close. Sa sobrang laki, naging playground ng aking anak while we’re waiting for my husband. I thought we still need to wait till 2PM but they allowed us to check in as early as 12:50PM. Yehey! The staff ushered us up to the elevator door. 

As always, we requested king size bed but unfortunately, it was no longer available so we settled for twin beds which are too small for 3 persons. But anyway, we love our bed, pillows, and comforter. It is one thing I always look forward to in our staycation. Comfortable bed and pillows. 

Sharing with you the photos of the room. 

We stayed in our rooms while waiting for the Afternoon Tea Time which is 3PM, which is included in our package. We’re excited because this was our first Tea Time experience. Lakas makasosyal. We were asked if we want coffee or tea and after twenty minutes they served the three-tiered stand of cookies, pastries, and sandwiches. 

Then we went back to our room because my son wanted to swim. It was a long weekend so the pool was already crowded. Good thing that hey have big pool but it was hard for me to look for a vacant chair. Yes, as in sa chair ng bar na lang ko nakaupo while holding the towel and other stuff. 

We went back to our room to prepare for our buffet dinner at Cafe Eight. They have a promo for birthday celebrants, oh yes, I have free dinner. Good thing I have my ID with me that includes my birthday. My son is only 5 years old so he is still free. 

This was my first buffet dinner in a hotel so I was really excited but when I entered the almost empty restaurant, I felt so sad because the food selections are very limited. I was checking the food station, I think they only have four or five stations and I was a little bit disappointed. 

I’ve tried buffet lunch and dinner in several restaurants, you can check it here and buffet lunch in other hotels like Acaci and Tides so I have high expectations because I know that dinner is more special. 

Sabi nga ni William Shakespeare, “Expectation is the root of all heartache”. Hehehe! Imagine, natikman lahat ni hubby ang lahat ng ulam, first time yun ha. Good thing I will only pay PHP1500 for my husband and free kami. 

My plate. Buti na lang may salmon. I love my mango crepe.

The carving station has only roast beef and the beef was dry. I was expecting a seafood station but there was none. I was not impressed with the buffet spread, the food is not bad but there is nothing special. Of course, the service is very good. It is one thing that you will not experience in buffet restaurants. 

After dinner, the server informed me to wait for my birthday cake. He sang “Happy Birthday” while giving me the cake. Bawi na sila dun, first time experience ko yun e. Hahaha! 

My plate, omelet was not in the picture. I love the walnut twist bread.

After Tea Time and buffet dinner, we still have buffet breakfast. I was not expecting anymore because of our buffet dinner experience but it turned out na mas nabusog ako sa breakfast. I enjoyed it because all my favorite breakfast meal was there like bacon, ham, sausage and daing na bangus. 

My son had a last-minute swim before we went home. 


1. Service is very good. The staffs are approachable and friendly and there’s always a smile on their face. 
2. I love the pillows, bed, and comforter. 
3. There is a bidet and phone in the toilet. 
4. Swimming pool is big. 
5. I love that they have a promo for the birthday celebrants. I got a free dinner and a birthday cake. 
6. I like afternoon tea time. 
7. Free wifi. 
8. Free shuttle 

1. No bathtub 
2. No laundry bag, I always bring a laundry bag every time we travel but because of my last-minute packing, I left it at home. I was confident that Crimson Hotel has laundry bags like other hotels but I was wrong because they only have laundry baskets. We called to ask if they have a laundry bag and they gave us this. Just good enough for wet clothes. 

3. The buffet price is not cheap so I hope they will improve on their buffet spread. 

We celebrated our birthdays in other hotels but this was the first time that we received free dinner and cake. We really had a great time in Crimson Hotel.

Read: Crimson Resort and Spa Mactan

August 22, 2014

Lunch at California Pizza Kitchen

I first learned about California Pizza Kitchen when HSBC had a promo but since Alabang Town Center is far from where I live and I don’t know if their pizza is yummy, I did not redeem the free pizza using my credit card slip.

Every time we go to Alabang Town Center I always see this restaurant but it was only last Sunday that we tried this restaurant after my lab test in Healthway. 
Since it was our first time we just availed the P999 promo + P120 for 1 pitcher of iced tea. The promo includes your choice of salad, pasta, and pizza. The meal is good for 3 to 4 persons. 

While waiting for the order, my son was preoccupied with the “Create your Own Pizza” activity. The activity is nice because it is not the usual coloring activity. 

He took it home and asked me to cut the pizza. Hehehe! 

Since I don’t eat salad, my husband ate everything. I tasted the pizza and pasta and bigla ko nanghinayang. Masarap pala food sa CPK. Waah, I should redeemed the free pizza. 

I don't eat olives but I enjoyed the olives of this pizza, wala after taste. I could say that the P999 promo is worth it.

Related Post: 
California Pizza Kitchen 2015