Having psoriasis is not easy, though I have this skin
condition for more than a decade. There are still times that I feel depressed
especially if I’m flare up. I shared my frustration and depression last September
because I really don’t know when I will be ok. I have so many sleepless nights and crying
nights because of psoriasis. Thank God! I’m ok now, 95% clear. I hope my remission would be long.Though I have
black spots all over my body, but it is still better than itchy red spots.
After 19 sessions +methotrexate, I’m happy that my phototherapy session is
now over. I started last September 14 and my last session was November 20, it
is more than two months of going to hospital three times a week for 5 weeks and
once a week for one month. Actually, it became a routine already so after
school my son always asks me if we will go to hospital. #nasanayna
I’m happy that phototherapy helps me in clearing my lesions,
at least hindi nasayang ang effort and money. My doctor recommend this last
summer but I did not do it because I know that it is time consuming and very
expensive treatment. As I mentioned you have to go to hospital 3 times a week
or it depends on your doctor’s recommendation.
It is expensive because the rate
per session is P845 (Asian Hospital) even it is only 2 minutes, you have to pay P845. My initial
time is 2 minutes and they increase it every session. I stop at 15 minutes to
avoid sunburn. It took weeks before I can see the improvement. Anyway, before I
started my phototherapy, staff gave me a paper for more information. Sharing with you the details below.
This is where I stay for fe minutes every session. |
UVB (ultraviolet B light) is the most common form of
phototherapy used to treat various skin diseases including psoriasis, eczema,
and itching. You will be exposed to this high-energy UV light for a varying
length of time. This treatment is not a cure but can effectively control or
improve your disease. Patients have used this treatment successfully for many
years and often are able to maintain clearance of improved skin over extended
periods of time.
Each condition and patient will vary in the number of
treatments needed per week and the time it will take to reach clearing. Most
patients require 3 to 5 treatments each week to clear lesions. Typically,
treatments start only a few seconds of light exposure and increase gradually as
determined by the staff. It may take 15-25 treatments or longer to improve your
disease. Not all patients will clear completely. Many patients go into remission
and may then stop tretaments.
expected benefits of phototherapy are:
1. Improvement
of existing lesions;
2. Reduction
of new lesions;
3. Remission-
in many cases phototherapy has resulted in a near-total clearing of the disease
process. The duration of this reission varies with each patient. Maintenance
therapy may be required.
Risks and side effects of phototherapy
1. The
most common side-effect of this therapy is UVB-induced sunburn. This may occur
anytime during therapy. Certain drugs may also cause you to get sunburn. Please
let your doctor/nurse know any medications you are taking or any that you begin
while undergoing therapy.
2. It is
possible with any form of UV light than an increased incidence of skin cancer
may occur late in some patients, usually only with many light treatments.
3. UV
treatments may cause dryness and itching.
4. UV
treatments age the skin over time and may increase preckles and pigmentation of
the skin.
5. Ultraviolet
rays may damage the eyes and increase your risk of cataracts. This is
preventable with protective eye goggles worn during the treatment.
6. UV
light may cause flare of fever blister and mouth sores in susceptible people.
7. Long
term UV exposure to the unprotected genital area in men may cause an increase
in genital cancer. Therefore all men will wear an athletic supporter while in
the light box.
8. UV
light may cause exacerbation of other medical condition such as lupus
erythematosus, which have sensitivity to UV wavelength.