Showing posts with label sauce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sauce. Show all posts

July 20, 2016

IKEA Graddsas Cream Sauce

It’s been awhile since the last time I cooked steak at home so last Sunday I pan-grilled steak. It is supposed to be medium well pero naging well done. Hehehe! 

Anyway, I remember the IKEA Graddsas Cream Sauce that I bought in IKEA Tachikawa so I prepared this also. It is a versatile sauce that you can use for meatballs, beef or pork dish. 

I just followed the recipe at the back, you need water, cream and 1 pack of cream sauce. Mix and simmer the sauce for 3 minutes. I’m not sure what kind of cream so I just used cooking cream. 

Read: IKEA Tachikawa

We all enjoyed the Graddsas cream sauce, ginawang sabaw ng anak ko yung sauce sa kanin. Hehehe! Too bad I only bought 2 packs. We liked this sauce compared to the Gravox sauce that we’ve tried before or maybe because we prefer creamy sauce. 

Read: Oven Baked Steak + Gravox Traditional Gravy
          Roast Chicken + Gravox Herbs Gravy 

September 10, 2014

Oven Baked Steak + Gravox Traditional Gravy

Steak is one of favorite food so I always look for steak if we’re eating on the buffet. Happy na ko pag may steak but of course, it should be tender and flavorful. I do cook grilled steak at home but it was year 2011 when I first tried to cook Oven Baked Steak, see it here.  

I can’t remember the last time I cooked Oven Baked Steak so last Sunday, I cooked this again so we can try the Gravox Traditional Gravy. Yes, I also bought this aside from Gravox Roast Chicken with Herbs Gravy.  

Preheat oven to 225C 
Season the beef. I only used pepper, salt and garlic. 

Sear the beef in butter. 

Put slices of butter on top of the beef and bake for 30 minutes or depending on your preferred doneness. 

It was a hit again to my family and my son even said, “Mommy I love beef”. The gravy sauce is good and my husband told me again na kalasa ng Gravox gravy sauce yung gravy ng ibang restaurant na nakainan niya. I still have half a kilo of beef in my fridge so I will cook this again.

Read: Oven Baked Steak + Potatoes

August 30, 2014

Roast Chicken + Gravox Herbs Gravy

If you’ve been reading this blog for quite some time now, you know that I love to cook “roast chicken”, I think, this dish is included in my menu every month. Yes, even there’s no special occasion because it is so easy to prepare. No sweat at all. Lol 

Two weeks ago, my husband saw this Gravox Roast Chicken with Herbs Gravy in the grocery. 

Hubby: Try mo. 
Me: Ngek, ang mahal naman ng gravy P170, kapresyo na ng chicken. 
Hubby: B1T1 naman, try lang. 

So I bought it and I cooked roast chicken this week so I could try the gravy. I tried instant gravy mix before and I did not like it because it is too salty so I was really nervous at baka di rin masarap. 

The gravy is in liquid form so you can just reheat it in the microwave or stove top. Well, the gravy is just ok but I will not buy this again because it is really expensive for my budget. Anyway, I prefer my roast chicken without gravy.