I didn’t know where I could buy felt cloth so I bought felt paper, but sadly I couldn’t find black/white felt paper in the four National Bookstores that I’ve visited. Good thing I remember his firefly costume so I used some materials of his costume to make his Olaf hat such as black felt paper, brown ribbon, and the antenna.
I got the idea on this site, but there was no template for everything. I just printed the Olaf picture, got the eyebrow pattern, and drew shapes for the eyes and nose. Fortunately, his dad has a white cap from fun run freebies.
Felt paper
Fabric paper for the nose
Oslo paper
Brown Ribbon
Glue gun/ glue sticks
Cotton for filler (nose)
I trace my pattern in felt paper and oslo paper.
Cut and paste everything together. Place cotton inside the nose. Cover the wire with brown ribbon.
Attach everything to the cap using glue gun.
I made three circles for his white polo shirt. I sew the circles so it won’t ruin the shirt.
My son was happy with our DIY Olaf Hat Costume.