Showing posts with label Baby Shower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Shower. Show all posts

July 04, 2014

DIY Baby Shower

Baby Shower is a way to celebrate the approaching birth of a child where the expectant mother is showered with gifts. It is traditionally given to the first child of the family but nowadays parents experience more than one baby shower. Sadly to say, I’m not one of those parents because I did not experience any baby shower, I don’t have friends. Hehehe! 

When I was pregnant, I was planning for my own baby shower because I know that my friends will not plan something for me. I did not have bridal shower nga so baby shower pa. Lol But it did not happen because I had Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy aka PUPPP but that’s another story. 

Moving on, when my son started going to school. I met moms who are also full time mothers like me and we became friends. One of our mommy friend got pregnant so we decided to throw a baby shower. 

I asked my pregnant friend for her available schedule so we set the date, time and place. Like I said, I did not experience any baby shower so I have to research and research. It is like planning for my own baby shower. We’re only 8 moms in our group so I have to plan and prepare everything para naman may “element of surprise” pa. I sent a digital photo invitation and informed them that the event is potluck. 

One of my friend made this diaper stroller

Sharing to you the things that I’ve prepared

1. Invitation 

2. Guest Page - I used the extra page from the banner 

3. Banner 

4. Games - I prepared Guess the Baby Picture, Baby Trivia, Bingo Game and Bottle Chugging.

I asked my friends for their baby pictures so I can print it but unfortunately not all have their own baby picture. 

5.Wishes for the baby 

6. Giveaways 

I was thankful that there are free baby shower printables so planning and preparing for a baby shower was not difficult. My pregnant friend offered to buy prizes for games. 

For my potluck, I brought Amira’s Buco Tart

Baby Shower Printable Sources:

Baby Shower Printable Set

Baby Trivia  
Baby Bingo