
June 27, 2013

Achieve Your Once in a Lifetime Fishing Experience

There are some things in life that are a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You hope that getting married is one of those, becoming a parent for the first time, achieving a goal or dream, and having that fun experience that you never thought you would be able to have. Those experiences vary widely from person to person; if the once-in-a-lifetime experience happens to be catching that big, elusive fish, then you need to go big or go home by going Kona fishing.

Choose Hawaii

Why choose fishing in Hawaii? Why not? It is Hawaii for Pete’s sake! Besides the fact that you would be enjoying a tropical paradise, some of the best fishing is found around the islands of Hawaii. Just like the people know where to find paradise, the fish do as well. Some of the fish you can find off the coast of Kona include the following:

• Marlin
• Tuna
• Mahi Mahi
• Ono
• Ahi
• Spearfish
• Aku
• Tombo
• Many more

Just the Facts

Although you can get caught up in the excitement of the paradise islands, the perfect weather, and the sheer joy of Kona fishing, you must think logically about the whole experience. You need to get an idea of what this once-in-a-lifetime experience is going to cost. How many bones do you need to save up? You will be saving up too because this is on your bucket list. From your research, you have learned what a reasonable price is for a fishing experience in Hawaii. The charters are usually broken up into a full day, three-quarter day, and half-day. A fair price for a full day would run you around $950. A fair price for a three-quarter day would be about $750. Finally, a fair price for a half-day would cost you about $550. Keep in mind the fact that you can probably find something cheaper, but it may cost you the captain’s experience, a hoopty boat, and a disappointing fishing trip. If you go with a reasonable, well-established charter company, your dreams of catching the big one will most likely be realized.

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