
October 21, 2011

Book Review: Fascinating Womanhood

I bought this book last July not because my marriage is in danger but I was so curious how this book will help me to become a fascinating wife. Fascinating Womanhood is a best seller book by Helen Andelin, it tackles eight rules to help you in having a lifelong love affair and there are many testimonies and success stories that this book can really save broken relationships.

We’ve been married for almost six years and I admit that our marriage is not perfect; of course, there is no such thing as perfect, we also have our own share of dramas but still, I am happy and satisfied with our marriage. I feel that I was so blessed enough for wanting more but after reading the book, it makes me realize that there is more that I can do to build a truly happy marriage. I hold the keys to my own happiness.

Being a stay-at-home mom, I am always preoccupied with household chores, taking care of my son, and doing my part-time job (if there’s any). Little did I know that I am neglecting the needs and wants of my husband and I forgot that I was a wife first before I became a mother. Even my husband is too old enough to take care of himself; he also needs love, care, and attention. I was too absorbed with my duties and obligations and not conscious enough of my husband's needs.

This book teaches me to accept, appreciate and admire my husband. The most important thing is to make him number one, we have to admit that we tend to put first our children, household chores, career, and many more before our husband. This is a reminder to all of us.

“If you treat him like a king, he’ll treat you like a queen”

“Don’t put the comforts and whims of your children ahead of your husband’s basic needs”

There are more things that you can learn from this book so if you want to have a happy marriage, give this a try. I just finished the book just this week and I am still trying to apply it to my marriage, I know that this would not be easy for me because the number one role that I need to learn is to be submissive. I admit that I am not a submissive wife because I grew up without my parents beside me so I used in making decisions and important plans on my own. I’m a leader and not a follower, but I have to change for the better, good luck with my journey.

“ A loving marriage is the foundation of a happy family, and a happy family is the foundation of a stable society. Most of the problems in this world stem from troubled homes. If we are to have peace in the world, we must begin at home. – Helen Andelin


  1. Thanks for sharing this sis! Although I still have a long way to go before tying the knot, I might buy this book.. :) It's good din to be prepared on my future marriage. Anyway, good luck sis and have a happy marriage! :)

  2. ^ go sis, this is a good book. P300+ in NBS.

  3. I am happily married fro 7 1/2 years. so far we never had a big fight ,we argue sometimes but that is understandable. respect with each other ,trust and love .agree with you on "treat him like a king and he'll treat you as a queen ".

  4. No marriage is perfect but great ones always make it through together. I should get this book, sounds like an awesome read.

    For you and also for Sumi, also go get the book: His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage. It's a great book about tuning into each others needs (because men and women have different priorities when it comes to their needs). Affairs don't have to be physical with another person, they can also be emotional, or a hobby... anything that destructively distracts from the marriage. So really, this book is for everyone in a relationship!

  5. “If you treat him like a king, he’ll treat you like a queen” -- this reminded me of how my mom treats my dad... They actually call each other king and queen in their SMS' so this is a true statement.

    Thanks for sharing this... made me think about my own priorities.

    Much support, Christia
    Top 7 Indicators of being an Old Couple from Christia's World

  6. hmm..thank you for the info! Yes you're right, there's no such thing as perfect marriage/relationship. I must read that book soon! :)

  7. Happy marriage is not vouched for the riches of the world the couple possess, but the marriage which God ordained for both the husband and wife to be united in spirit, to be united in purpose, to be united for Christ's sake. My wife and I are abiding this spiritual principles. And we believe that through our happy and satisfied married life of 39 years we could be together for time and eternity including my supportive and lovely 6 children. I know you can do it too.

  8. my churchmates encourage me to read this book. will save some money to buy one :)

  9. i want to grab a copy of that book. i agree with the author. it is a must read for me :)

  10. I agree with you. To build a good family, it starts with a good marriage. I am happy that my mom and dad has a wonderful relationship as husband and wife and because of this, we have a great family.

  11. I want to get a copy for myself, too. Thanks for sharing.

  12. will include this ony reading list.. thanks for sharing..

  13. you are right about it, treat him like a king, I remember my SIL is not really like that but expecting more fr my bro which she don't deserve anyway

  14. Oh I'm still on Harry Potter-Hunger Games books until now though I'm 30 and getting old na. Childish in every sense. But anyway, thank you for sharing. I love books as much as I love pancakes so I might look for this later. Thank you for sharing.

  15. A must read for soon to be married and married couple.

  16. I am not familiar with the book. I am still single, but I think this book will also teach me some life lessons. I'd like to have a copy of this book if only I could afford it.

  17. you look young for a 6-year-marriage relationship. it must be because of the happiness and love given by your husband. well, spontaneity plus a touch of readings from books make a very well perfect ingredients for a delicious marriage life. indulge.

  18. I've read a lot about the 7-year-itch - I dreaded that stage and we really had fights and all but now that we're through it, things are getting smoothly like we've matured - both as a person, wife and husband and parents...

  19. Ah, no need to buy the book as what you've mentioned are already in the Bible. :)
